trezindu-se din somnul
netrbnicului lut
se lasa-n voia sortii
pasind in inceput
suflari asemeni siruri
ce legamantul poarta
promise-s cu sfarsirul
doar ca sa inceapa
dar taina lor deapururi
tintita-i dimprejur
de lanturi se se-nnoada
la umbra unui mur
cand pasi de colo colo
purtati de-a lui dorinta
neobositi alearga
un dor de biruinta
atunci incet farama
e gata sa-ncolteasca
sa creasca trup ce -n jurui
incepe sa umbreasca
o umbra ce se-ntinde
si-n valuri se revarsa
strajer este doar murul
ce-n taina o sa le-opreasca
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
forgotten lurks behind
a tear
somewhere, where ,lost may find themselves
the eyes
above the head,
a lonley candle
in silence witneses
the life
it seems to be the same
old jurney
unspoken truth or hidden
who cares if there is
no glory
as long the story
never dies
the breze of end, a blow
and candle fades
into the past
untold another story
is waiting
forgotten just behind
the pass
behind themselves
there is a hidden story
when blows are ment to be for all the same
there is no need for eyes
to drop a tear
when life is lied
for candle's glory/
forgotten lurks behind
a tear
somewhere, where ,lost may find themselves
the eyes
above the head,
a lonley candle
in silence witneses
the life
it seems to be the same
old jurney
unspoken truth or hidden
who cares if there is
no glory
as long the story
never dies
the breze of end, a blow
and candle fades
into the past
untold another story
is waiting
forgotten just behind
the pass
behind themselves
there is a hidden story
when blows are ment to be for all the same
there is no need for eyes
to drop a tear
when life is lied
for candle's glory/
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Te-as fi privit de atatea ori
nenumarate clipe,
m-as fi lasat sedus de gand
purtat de alui aripe,
Sa te mangai din nou as vrea
cu un gand de dor langa ureche,
la bratul meu ca sa-ti alint
nurii-ti tai pereche.
Si apoi sa ascult al tau suspin
o melodie-n soapte
atingere de buze moi
ce ma saruta-n noapte
Si iia ta so lasi sa cada
pe flori de iasomie,
destainuindu-ti trupul gol
numai si numai mie.
Danut Ardelean
nenumarate clipe,
m-as fi lasat sedus de gand
purtat de alui aripe,
Sa te mangai din nou as vrea
cu un gand de dor langa ureche,
la bratul meu ca sa-ti alint
nurii-ti tai pereche.
Si apoi sa ascult al tau suspin
o melodie-n soapte
atingere de buze moi
ce ma saruta-n noapte
Si iia ta so lasi sa cada
pe flori de iasomie,
destainuindu-ti trupul gol
numai si numai mie.
Danut Ardelean
in romanian,
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
to you......
Words you never told me,
Sing near the lighthouse ,
My music.
How many gestures ,
Have you abandoned into my arms,
I wonder?
I watched you in silence,
Hoping that one day.......
You will return.
As a bondless drop,
From a bondless ocean,
Then I will be ready
To presint my surrender,
To the blue depth,
Of your eyes.........
Danut Ardelean
Words you never told me,
Sing near the lighthouse ,
My music.
How many gestures ,
Have you abandoned into my arms,
I wonder?
I watched you in silence,
Hoping that one day.......
You will return.
As a bondless drop,
From a bondless ocean,
Then I will be ready
To presint my surrender,
To the blue depth,
Of your eyes.........
Danut Ardelean
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Zeul Pagan
Un zeu pagan a-ntors clepsidra
s-a plictisit de-atatia cupidoni si zei,
a mai tunat in sinea lui odata
si-a fulgerat blestemul spre ei.
Un cantec ruginit se naste-n strune rupte
acum maiastra harpa-si canta mortii,
siraguri lungi se impletesc in necuvinte
ce-nchina o oda sluta sortii
Si cupidoni cu aripi frante
au inceput sa cada din olimp,
o lume noua isi deschide poarta
spre cei ratacitori prin timp.
Si-n asta lume este soare
e fad si segetaza varfuri de pelin
spre cei ce-au ridicat mainile-n aer,
zabind perfid, cu chipul lor senin,
Un zeu pagan a-ntors clepsidra
a mai facut un pas spre nemurire
iar celor multi le-a daruit,
un loc etern in amintire
The pgan god
a pagan god turned back the time
too many gods have got him bored
then cast a spell upon the rats
releasing thunders for himself once more.
a rotten tune arrives from broken strings
unspoken words are telling now the truth
the holy harp betrays the faith
paying the tribute to the dead.
angels having broken wings
from Olimpus begin to fall
a whole new world opens its gate
to receive them, All.
a toothless Sun lightens the world
being upset begins to throw,
at ones who dared god and raised their hands
some pieces from the broken rainbow.
a pagan god turned back the time
stepping ahead into immortality
for all of us he left a gift,
the etenal palce in Mermory.
Danut Ardelean
s-a plictisit de-atatia cupidoni si zei,
a mai tunat in sinea lui odata
si-a fulgerat blestemul spre ei.
Un cantec ruginit se naste-n strune rupte
acum maiastra harpa-si canta mortii,
siraguri lungi se impletesc in necuvinte
ce-nchina o oda sluta sortii
Si cupidoni cu aripi frante
au inceput sa cada din olimp,
o lume noua isi deschide poarta
spre cei ratacitori prin timp.
Si-n asta lume este soare
e fad si segetaza varfuri de pelin
spre cei ce-au ridicat mainile-n aer,
zabind perfid, cu chipul lor senin,
Un zeu pagan a-ntors clepsidra
a mai facut un pas spre nemurire
iar celor multi le-a daruit,
un loc etern in amintire
The pgan god
a pagan god turned back the time
too many gods have got him bored
then cast a spell upon the rats
releasing thunders for himself once more.
a rotten tune arrives from broken strings
unspoken words are telling now the truth
the holy harp betrays the faith
paying the tribute to the dead.
angels having broken wings
from Olimpus begin to fall
a whole new world opens its gate
to receive them, All.
a toothless Sun lightens the world
being upset begins to throw,
at ones who dared god and raised their hands
some pieces from the broken rainbow.
a pagan god turned back the time
stepping ahead into immortality
for all of us he left a gift,
the etenal palce in Mermory.
Danut Ardelean
in english poetry,
in romanian
Un soare stirb se chinuie sa rada
si arunca fara mila, franturi din curcubeu
spre cei ce au ridicat mainile-n aer
sa-l prinda de picior pe Dumnezeu
In nori un cor de voci ingana
un cant de dor in necuvinte,
nascute-n vremuri vechi,
acolo ,jos,printre morminte
Un inger plange fara lacrimi
pierdut prin ierburile gri,
in urma-i suflete siraguri
urmeaza-i pasul , miii si mii.
si arunca fara mila, franturi din curcubeu
spre cei ce au ridicat mainile-n aer
sa-l prinda de picior pe Dumnezeu
In nori un cor de voci ingana
un cant de dor in necuvinte,
nascute-n vremuri vechi,
acolo ,jos,printre morminte
Un inger plange fara lacrimi
pierdut prin ierburile gri,
in urma-i suflete siraguri
urmeaza-i pasul , miii si mii.
in romanian,
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
I let you fall into the shadow
Your hand can't touch me anymore
I stepped away the path is narrow
Beyond there is another door
I let you fall and I am not sorry
I am the stone which rules the edge
A piece of me with you is falling
Somhwere down into the age
Danut Ardelean
I let you fall into the shadow
Your hand can't touch me anymore
I stepped away the path is narrow
Beyond there is another door
I let you fall and I am not sorry
I am the stone which rules the edge
A piece of me with you is falling
Somhwere down into the age
Danut Ardelean
in english poetry
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Ape uda tarmuri slute
Rotind undele-n zadar
Ca apoi perfid,veninul
Sa-l reverse langa far
Langa o stanca cenusie
Un trup sade ghemuit
Cufundandu-se in umbra
Ce se leapada de zid
Stropii tulburi se strecoara
Pe sub giulgiul ce sublim
Inconjoara-n alb de ceata
Nuri cu urme de pelin
Picuri rosii intr-o salba
Zac uitati pe mana stanga
Care cauta fara vlaga
Marea care sta sa planga
Stand ascuns in curcubeul
Ce se frange in cristal
Sageteaza incodata
Cu privirea-i de metal
Si nici noaptea si nici stanca
Nu mai par ca sa ascunda
Gandul care inca taie
Pan' la os in mana stanga
Danut Ardelean
Ape uda tarmuri slute
Rotind undele-n zadar
Ca apoi perfid,veninul
Sa-l reverse langa far
Langa o stanca cenusie
Un trup sade ghemuit
Cufundandu-se in umbra
Ce se leapada de zid
Stropii tulburi se strecoara
Pe sub giulgiul ce sublim
Inconjoara-n alb de ceata
Nuri cu urme de pelin
Picuri rosii intr-o salba
Zac uitati pe mana stanga
Care cauta fara vlaga
Marea care sta sa planga
Stand ascuns in curcubeul
Ce se frange in cristal
Sageteaza incodata
Cu privirea-i de metal
Si nici noaptea si nici stanca
Nu mai par ca sa ascunda
Gandul care inca taie
Pan' la os in mana stanga
Danut Ardelean
in romanian,
Monday, April 19, 2010
The secret
Ugly shores are soaked in waters
That in vain surround themselves
Foaming treacherously the venom
In a crest above the waves
Crouching close her gentle body
Near to the jaded stone
Melt herself into the shadow
That's emerging from the wall
Drops of blue are playing restless
Underneath the satin dress
To embrace in sin the beauty
Of her pale colored breasts
Red sapphires in a bracelet
Lurk forgotten on her hand
That is drawing empty gestures
In that sea which has no end
Standing hidden in the rainbow
That is bowing over shore
Sent his looks to pierce the body
That is laying on the stone
Not the moon,nor the night
Seem to hide it anymore
Thought of death that is still cutting
In her hand , deep to the bone
Danut Ardelean
Ugly shores are soaked in waters
That in vain surround themselves
Foaming treacherously the venom
In a crest above the waves
Crouching close her gentle body
Near to the jaded stone
Melt herself into the shadow
That's emerging from the wall
Drops of blue are playing restless
Underneath the satin dress
To embrace in sin the beauty
Of her pale colored breasts
Red sapphires in a bracelet
Lurk forgotten on her hand
That is drawing empty gestures
In that sea which has no end
Standing hidden in the rainbow
That is bowing over shore
Sent his looks to pierce the body
That is laying on the stone
Not the moon,nor the night
Seem to hide it anymore
Thought of death that is still cutting
In her hand , deep to the bone
Danut Ardelean
in english,
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ai vrea sa-i vezi in stoluri
Spre neguri ca se-ndreapta
Ca se topesc in umbre
Cu totii deodata
Cu aripi ca de vultur
Scurteaza-n zbor vazduhul
Si dintr-o suflare
Le cade prada gandul
Apoi se-nvarat in juru-i
Alti fluturi care vin
Si-incep incet sa soarba
Nectarul din venin
Licoarea-i tot mai dulce
Sorbind necontenit
Din timpul care uita
Ca vraja s-a oprit
Danut Ardelean
Ai vrea sa-i vezi in stoluri
Spre neguri ca se-ndreapta
Ca se topesc in umbre
Cu totii deodata
Cu aripi ca de vultur
Scurteaza-n zbor vazduhul
Si dintr-o suflare
Le cade prada gandul
Apoi se-nvarat in juru-i
Alti fluturi care vin
Si-incep incet sa soarba
Nectarul din venin
Licoarea-i tot mai dulce
Sorbind necontenit
Din timpul care uita
Ca vraja s-a oprit
Danut Ardelean
in romanian,
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
The gate
Slowly with your empty steps
There is no pain or sorrow
To reach among the clouds that gate
Surrounded by the shadow
You wished to have stopped on your path
The waves are your guidance
There are some voices calling you
Beyond the gate in silence
The clock is tired now
It seems to tick no more
For the ones who came among the last
Knocking on the same door
Danut Ardelean
Te-indrepti purtat de unde
Si-a ajungi la poarta dintre nori
Inconjurat de umbre
Si-ai vrea din drum sa te abati
Dar undele te poarta
Sunt voci ce parca te opresc
Si te doresc deodata
In urma-ti ceasul ostenit
Continua sa bata
Pentru cei care uitat
De ce sunt langa poarta
Danut Ardelean
in english,
in romanian,
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