Monday, February 15, 2010

The Traveller

He might be seen along the road
It's happening for years,
So odd ,it is the way he suddenly arrives,
The way......he disappears .

His empty eyes are looking deep
And time to time he smiles,
A shade of gesture, that is all he gives,
Whenever he may stop.

A lady saw him once, to pass
The road he took that day,
It,s just another lurking path
Beyond,the yesterday.

The same old road,avoids the cross
Narrowing, up there
For us, nobody came to tell
If it's leading anywhere.

Danut Ardelean

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Specialitate Romaneasca

Racheta Alba

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Man In The Mirror

Shreddred pieces.In your bedroom.
You don't look.Anymore,
Instead of a smile ,into a mirror,
Stands out in silence, just the wall.

Shreddred pieces . In your bedroom.
Cutting stars....on the floor,
Foud their sky on the bottom
In a bin , next to the door.

Shreddred pieces. In your bedroom.
A clear image ?No more.
Refuses to fade into the background,
Killing the man in the mirror.

Danut Ardelean

I Would

I would have looked at you.
So many times I could not count,
I would have left myself seduced,
Knowing you  arround.

I would have had  into my arms,
So calm ,so beautiful  to rest,
A blessing ,touching both my eyes,
The softness of your lovely breasts.

I would have slowly left to fall,
Your dress. Then to dream,
While I am loving your naked body
Layed among the jasmine.

Danut Ardelean

I wish

I wish.. I was a cloud that  rides the wind
Somewhere,among the other clouds a little spot
To meet you there, in the dream,
Faster  than I thought.

I wish you'd foud beside when you wake up
A note.I wasn't here,
A flower standing in a glass,
Waiting, silent, near.

I wish today was yesterday
Than again ,tomorrow
When I was there in your arms,
And never felt the sorrow.

Danut Ardelean

My Friend

I am asking for my friend
There are so many words,I have not said
I wish I could spell them so loud,
Before ....she left,before she left

The days are waving ,passing by
Today, one day,perheaps tommorow,
They'll bring me news about my friend,
Who's far and safe,away from sorrow.

I asked the shore, where is my friend?
We used to walk along together,
Before... we jumped into that sea of green
To meet beneath the sin, forever.

I chased the waves,I asked them too,
Where is my friend?do you have any clue?
One gives me nothing,the other takes
Another memory of you.

I asked myself, where is my friend?
I tried to look.As far I could see,
A fear lurcks inside ,my fiend
That you already found....another me.

Danut Ardelean

In Tacere

Exista ceruri dincolo de ceruri,
Si stele sunt, departe ,de-aste stele,
Si toate cufundate sunt,
De-antregul in tacere.

Si mai depare-i,doar un gand,
Ce-i dincolo de ele,
Cuvant, ce fara de cuvant,
Te cheama in tacere.

Si ratacind te indrepti spre port,
Precum o adiere,
Corabia de cand te stii,
Te-asteapta in tacere.

Raman doar lacrimi care curg,
Nu-i loc de mangaiere,
Apari asa si pleci la fel,
In urma-ti doar tacere.

Danut Ardelean


There is a sky ,with many stars,
And many stars ,like islands,
Are lurkin' lost, somewhere beyond,
                       In Silence.

Farther ,there is just a thought.
As farther I thought, up there.
Beeing called, I must to go
            In silence, anywhere.

Howling like a ghost ,you go
You have been always ready,
The ship is waiting ,in the docks
        In silence ,just to carry

Tears running down like rivers,
As rivers flow ,to carry on your ship,
That's all what's left behind,your dreams,
         In silence,  lost so deep  
      Danut Ardelean

Monday, February 8, 2010

Prima Iubire

Priveam in ochii tai pierdut,
Un vis ce se destrama,
Dar te iubeam ca la-nceput,
A nustiu cata oara.

Pe banca primului sarut,
Unde iubeam .odinioara
Doua priviri, un vis sunt, l-a inceput
A nustiu cata oara.

Danut Ardelean

In Noapte

O cununa de vorbe,
Impletita in soapte,
Ma cheama afara,
In noapte.

Pasii-mi se-ndreapta
Trupul sa-mi poarte,
Spre poarta deschisa
In noapte.

Ochii mi-s mucezi,
De-atatea nefapte,
lumina-s pe calea, ce duce
In noapte.

Danut Ardelean

I see

I see so many souls in chains...
It seems they never stop,
To rush themselves along the slope,
In their search for light.

I see the shepard of the path,
So old so bored, but sorrow,
A tear is that all I 've got
For him to pay Tomorrow.

Perheaps it's just, the way it ment to be
To see before the end,
To find yourself, your Christ so dead,
As well is Mohamed.

Every me Every you

Surrender to me
Don't be afraid
There's nothing left
There's nothing said

Don't look behind
In every you
There is a me
That tells what's true

Close your eyes
Release my fear
In every you
I cry my tear

Forget about
You ever knew
In every me
Is every you

Danut Ardelean


O lacrima se scurge pe obraz,
Franturi din curcubeu,se rup la capatai,
Te pleci spre publicul absent, cortina cade
Se-aud aplauze....aici se-ncheie actu intai.
Si toamna vine-n ruguri ruginii,
Covor de lungi suspine asterne-n actul doi,
Te pregatesti, mai faci o plecaciune,
N-auzi un sunet,si lacrima devine doar un dor.

               Danut Ardelean

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Poveste de dragoste

Printre neguri si hatisuri'
Isi trimite solul iar
Ca sa vada tot ce misca
In taramul de clestar.

Vocea-i tremura in vorbe
Cu un aer ragusit
Intelesuri talcuite
Toate de nedeslusit

Si din cand in cand cristalul
Scapara in intuneric
Flugere ce impresoara
In lumina ochiul sferic

El se uita lung din umbre
Si pe chipu-i insipid
Se prelinge-n gol o urma
De-un suras desavarsit

Paru-i cade de pe umeri
Intr-o mantie salcie
Tainuind mana uscata
Care-i face semn sa vie

Si apoi oglinda sparta
Intr-un iures se aduna
Sa-i arate chipul suav
Ce se scalda-n clar de luna

O dorinta-ncatusata
Ravasindu-i trupul rece
Ii implora libertatea
Si o clipa c-a sa plece

Ridicand in slavi toiagul
Care-l tine-n mana stanga
Fauri un colt de aur
Trupu-i vested sa strapunga

Picuri de venin albastru
Cad pe piatra de altar
Ce trezesc din vis mamonul
Care prinde trup de cal

Nechezand in intuneric
Dornic c-a sa scurme drumul
Isi pleca in fata capul
Sa-l incalece stapanul

Muntele se rupe-n doua
Ca sa faca pod de gheata
Peste codrul care invie
Dintr-o mantie de ceata

Fara sa se uite-n urma
O porni intr-o vijele
Scuturandu-se de lumea
Ce i se parea pustie

Ajungand la o rascruce
Calul se opreste-n spume
Sa se-adape la fantana
Ce rasare dintre dune

Iar apoi pune-ntr-o cofa
Ca sa aiba pentru drum
Apa vie, apa moarta
Pentru singurul stapan

Si plcandu-si iara capul
Nechza aproape lin
Cu o ultima suflare
Se preface in venin

Picurile de-un albastru
Se aduna in margele
La picioare-i in tarana
Prinse toate intre ele

Mana lui cea uscativa
Le ridica intr-o salba
Care apoi o infasoara
Intr-o panzatura alba

Si pribeag porni pe drumul
Ce strapunge-n rachitisuri
C-a sa ajunga-n miez de noapte
La soroc in ascunzisuri

Iar de-acolo alta cale
Aratand spre miazazi
Se indreapta catre o poarta
Strajuita de faclii

Doi herumvi turnati in zale
Il privesc cu ochi de sticla
Dintr-o singura miscare
Lancile si le ridica

Din pamant rasare o treapta
Care implineste o scara
Deschizand apoi o usa
Care-n cioburi se separa

El zari atunci o umbra
Imbacata-n giulgi de crin
Ce intinsa fara vlaga
Se topea in baldachin

O privi indelung cu sete
Impietrit si fermecat
De a umbrei frumusete
Care-l cheama langa pat

De sub mantia de jad
Scoase o lama straverzie
Incrustand un semn pe fata-i
Care pare pamantie

Mainile-i preumbla trupul
Ce-i raspunde dulce-n soapte
Atingere de buze moi
Ce-l saruta-n miez de noapte

Si cu-n gest plapand ii prinde
Ascunzandu-i gatul fin
Intr-o  salba de margele
Faurite din venin

Ochii-i se trzesc la viata
Prividul intrebator
Unde-i sufletul pereche
Care-i inca calator

Intristat cu mana-i rece
O cuprinde de mijloc
Se apropie de buze-i
Strecurand in gura-i foc

Tuna apoi c-o voce surda
Un cuvant nedeslusit
Pravalidu-i trupul fraged
Peste pietrele din zid

Cu o mana ia tarina
Iar cu alta apa vie
Si le arunca catre zidul
Ce-i din stanca cenusie

Iar apoi cu apa moarta
Il stropeste incaodata
Si in fata-i se deschide
Din cristal o alta poarta

Iara pasi de colo colo
Il prea poarta in nestire
Si tarimul din dorinta-i
Se topeste-n amintire

Frematand de dor o harpa
Cantec fad mai naste-n strune
O aducere aminte
De secretul dintre dune

Ajungand iar la rascruce
Vede inscris pe-o lespede
Un blestem in slova veche
Ce-l dezleaga repede

Semnul crucii ars in flacari
II e dat celui ce-l poarta
Sa se-avante fara suflet
Pe cararea blestemata

Intr-o balta mandra luna
El vazu ca trupu-si scalda
Si acolo vru deodata
Chipul pamantiu sa vada

Apele se rup in unde
Care fieb isterice
Chip de lut inchis in cercuri
Ce devin concentrice

Ochii serbezi cauta-n valuri
Soarta care nu-l mai paste
Ce-i inscrisa-n carti de stele
Inainte, de-a se naste

Tulburand cu mana apa
Cand vazu acel insemn
Rupse o aschie ascutita
Din toiagul lui de lemn

Si-o impunse adanc in deget
Picurand pe colbul fin
Doua ingemanari albastre
Cu mireasma de venin

Nechezand din neguri iara
Lepadand vapai de foc
Calul se opri inainte-i
Din navalnicul galop

Inseuat cu pietre scumpe
De zafir si diamante
Isi apleaca coama lunga
Sa-l incalece pe spate

Si zburand peste hotare
Peste munti si peste vai
Istovit de-alergatura
Se opri intre carari 

Langa un portal de piatra
Loc ce-i pare cunoscut
Cand din picuri dulci de moarte
Intrupat a renascut

Printr-o fanta ascunsa-n munte
Sub o creasta cenusie
Isi croieste drum prin piatra
O lumina purpurie

Doua maini ridica-n aer
Si formeaza-n jurui scut
Sa-l fereasca de raceala
Podului de netrecut

Si apoi intr-o odaie
Lasa trupul tepenit
Care pentru prima oara
Isi dorea sa fi murit

Ramanand ascuns in coltul
Care-l scalda-n umbre iar
Fereca pe veci iubirea
Intr-o sfera de cristal


Wednesday, February 3, 2010