trezindu-se din somnul
netrbnicului lut
se lasa-n voia sortii
pasind in inceput
suflari asemeni siruri
ce legamantul poarta
promise-s cu sfarsirul
doar ca sa inceapa
dar taina lor deapururi
tintita-i dimprejur
de lanturi se se-nnoada
la umbra unui mur
cand pasi de colo colo
purtati de-a lui dorinta
neobositi alearga
un dor de biruinta
atunci incet farama
e gata sa-ncolteasca
sa creasca trup ce -n jurui
incepe sa umbreasca
o umbra ce se-ntinde
si-n valuri se revarsa
strajer este doar murul
ce-n taina o sa le-opreasca
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
forgotten lurks behind
a tear
somewhere, where ,lost may find themselves
the eyes
above the head,
a lonley candle
in silence witneses
the life
it seems to be the same
old jurney
unspoken truth or hidden
who cares if there is
no glory
as long the story
never dies
the breze of end, a blow
and candle fades
into the past
untold another story
is waiting
forgotten just behind
the pass
behind themselves
there is a hidden story
when blows are ment to be for all the same
there is no need for eyes
to drop a tear
when life is lied
for candle's glory/
forgotten lurks behind
a tear
somewhere, where ,lost may find themselves
the eyes
above the head,
a lonley candle
in silence witneses
the life
it seems to be the same
old jurney
unspoken truth or hidden
who cares if there is
no glory
as long the story
never dies
the breze of end, a blow
and candle fades
into the past
untold another story
is waiting
forgotten just behind
the pass
behind themselves
there is a hidden story
when blows are ment to be for all the same
there is no need for eyes
to drop a tear
when life is lied
for candle's glory/
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Te-as fi privit de atatea ori
nenumarate clipe,
m-as fi lasat sedus de gand
purtat de alui aripe,
Sa te mangai din nou as vrea
cu un gand de dor langa ureche,
la bratul meu ca sa-ti alint
nurii-ti tai pereche.
Si apoi sa ascult al tau suspin
o melodie-n soapte
atingere de buze moi
ce ma saruta-n noapte
Si iia ta so lasi sa cada
pe flori de iasomie,
destainuindu-ti trupul gol
numai si numai mie.
Danut Ardelean
nenumarate clipe,
m-as fi lasat sedus de gand
purtat de alui aripe,
Sa te mangai din nou as vrea
cu un gand de dor langa ureche,
la bratul meu ca sa-ti alint
nurii-ti tai pereche.
Si apoi sa ascult al tau suspin
o melodie-n soapte
atingere de buze moi
ce ma saruta-n noapte
Si iia ta so lasi sa cada
pe flori de iasomie,
destainuindu-ti trupul gol
numai si numai mie.
Danut Ardelean
in romanian,
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
to you......
Words you never told me,
Sing near the lighthouse ,
My music.
How many gestures ,
Have you abandoned into my arms,
I wonder?
I watched you in silence,
Hoping that one day.......
You will return.
As a bondless drop,
From a bondless ocean,
Then I will be ready
To presint my surrender,
To the blue depth,
Of your eyes.........
Danut Ardelean
Words you never told me,
Sing near the lighthouse ,
My music.
How many gestures ,
Have you abandoned into my arms,
I wonder?
I watched you in silence,
Hoping that one day.......
You will return.
As a bondless drop,
From a bondless ocean,
Then I will be ready
To presint my surrender,
To the blue depth,
Of your eyes.........
Danut Ardelean
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Zeul Pagan
Un zeu pagan a-ntors clepsidra
s-a plictisit de-atatia cupidoni si zei,
a mai tunat in sinea lui odata
si-a fulgerat blestemul spre ei.
Un cantec ruginit se naste-n strune rupte
acum maiastra harpa-si canta mortii,
siraguri lungi se impletesc in necuvinte
ce-nchina o oda sluta sortii
Si cupidoni cu aripi frante
au inceput sa cada din olimp,
o lume noua isi deschide poarta
spre cei ratacitori prin timp.
Si-n asta lume este soare
e fad si segetaza varfuri de pelin
spre cei ce-au ridicat mainile-n aer,
zabind perfid, cu chipul lor senin,
Un zeu pagan a-ntors clepsidra
a mai facut un pas spre nemurire
iar celor multi le-a daruit,
un loc etern in amintire
The pgan god
a pagan god turned back the time
too many gods have got him bored
then cast a spell upon the rats
releasing thunders for himself once more.
a rotten tune arrives from broken strings
unspoken words are telling now the truth
the holy harp betrays the faith
paying the tribute to the dead.
angels having broken wings
from Olimpus begin to fall
a whole new world opens its gate
to receive them, All.
a toothless Sun lightens the world
being upset begins to throw,
at ones who dared god and raised their hands
some pieces from the broken rainbow.
a pagan god turned back the time
stepping ahead into immortality
for all of us he left a gift,
the etenal palce in Mermory.
Danut Ardelean
s-a plictisit de-atatia cupidoni si zei,
a mai tunat in sinea lui odata
si-a fulgerat blestemul spre ei.
Un cantec ruginit se naste-n strune rupte
acum maiastra harpa-si canta mortii,
siraguri lungi se impletesc in necuvinte
ce-nchina o oda sluta sortii
Si cupidoni cu aripi frante
au inceput sa cada din olimp,
o lume noua isi deschide poarta
spre cei ratacitori prin timp.
Si-n asta lume este soare
e fad si segetaza varfuri de pelin
spre cei ce-au ridicat mainile-n aer,
zabind perfid, cu chipul lor senin,
Un zeu pagan a-ntors clepsidra
a mai facut un pas spre nemurire
iar celor multi le-a daruit,
un loc etern in amintire
The pgan god
a pagan god turned back the time
too many gods have got him bored
then cast a spell upon the rats
releasing thunders for himself once more.
a rotten tune arrives from broken strings
unspoken words are telling now the truth
the holy harp betrays the faith
paying the tribute to the dead.
angels having broken wings
from Olimpus begin to fall
a whole new world opens its gate
to receive them, All.
a toothless Sun lightens the world
being upset begins to throw,
at ones who dared god and raised their hands
some pieces from the broken rainbow.
a pagan god turned back the time
stepping ahead into immortality
for all of us he left a gift,
the etenal palce in Mermory.
Danut Ardelean
in english poetry,
in romanian
Un soare stirb se chinuie sa rada
si arunca fara mila, franturi din curcubeu
spre cei ce au ridicat mainile-n aer
sa-l prinda de picior pe Dumnezeu
In nori un cor de voci ingana
un cant de dor in necuvinte,
nascute-n vremuri vechi,
acolo ,jos,printre morminte
Un inger plange fara lacrimi
pierdut prin ierburile gri,
in urma-i suflete siraguri
urmeaza-i pasul , miii si mii.
si arunca fara mila, franturi din curcubeu
spre cei ce au ridicat mainile-n aer
sa-l prinda de picior pe Dumnezeu
In nori un cor de voci ingana
un cant de dor in necuvinte,
nascute-n vremuri vechi,
acolo ,jos,printre morminte
Un inger plange fara lacrimi
pierdut prin ierburile gri,
in urma-i suflete siraguri
urmeaza-i pasul , miii si mii.
in romanian,
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
I let you fall into the shadow
Your hand can't touch me anymore
I stepped away the path is narrow
Beyond there is another door
I let you fall and I am not sorry
I am the stone which rules the edge
A piece of me with you is falling
Somhwere down into the age
Danut Ardelean
I let you fall into the shadow
Your hand can't touch me anymore
I stepped away the path is narrow
Beyond there is another door
I let you fall and I am not sorry
I am the stone which rules the edge
A piece of me with you is falling
Somhwere down into the age
Danut Ardelean
in english poetry
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Ape uda tarmuri slute
Rotind undele-n zadar
Ca apoi perfid,veninul
Sa-l reverse langa far
Langa o stanca cenusie
Un trup sade ghemuit
Cufundandu-se in umbra
Ce se leapada de zid
Stropii tulburi se strecoara
Pe sub giulgiul ce sublim
Inconjoara-n alb de ceata
Nuri cu urme de pelin
Picuri rosii intr-o salba
Zac uitati pe mana stanga
Care cauta fara vlaga
Marea care sta sa planga
Stand ascuns in curcubeul
Ce se frange in cristal
Sageteaza incodata
Cu privirea-i de metal
Si nici noaptea si nici stanca
Nu mai par ca sa ascunda
Gandul care inca taie
Pan' la os in mana stanga
Danut Ardelean
Ape uda tarmuri slute
Rotind undele-n zadar
Ca apoi perfid,veninul
Sa-l reverse langa far
Langa o stanca cenusie
Un trup sade ghemuit
Cufundandu-se in umbra
Ce se leapada de zid
Stropii tulburi se strecoara
Pe sub giulgiul ce sublim
Inconjoara-n alb de ceata
Nuri cu urme de pelin
Picuri rosii intr-o salba
Zac uitati pe mana stanga
Care cauta fara vlaga
Marea care sta sa planga
Stand ascuns in curcubeul
Ce se frange in cristal
Sageteaza incodata
Cu privirea-i de metal
Si nici noaptea si nici stanca
Nu mai par ca sa ascunda
Gandul care inca taie
Pan' la os in mana stanga
Danut Ardelean
in romanian,
Monday, April 19, 2010
The secret
Ugly shores are soaked in waters
That in vain surround themselves
Foaming treacherously the venom
In a crest above the waves
Crouching close her gentle body
Near to the jaded stone
Melt herself into the shadow
That's emerging from the wall
Drops of blue are playing restless
Underneath the satin dress
To embrace in sin the beauty
Of her pale colored breasts
Red sapphires in a bracelet
Lurk forgotten on her hand
That is drawing empty gestures
In that sea which has no end
Standing hidden in the rainbow
That is bowing over shore
Sent his looks to pierce the body
That is laying on the stone
Not the moon,nor the night
Seem to hide it anymore
Thought of death that is still cutting
In her hand , deep to the bone
Danut Ardelean
Ugly shores are soaked in waters
That in vain surround themselves
Foaming treacherously the venom
In a crest above the waves
Crouching close her gentle body
Near to the jaded stone
Melt herself into the shadow
That's emerging from the wall
Drops of blue are playing restless
Underneath the satin dress
To embrace in sin the beauty
Of her pale colored breasts
Red sapphires in a bracelet
Lurk forgotten on her hand
That is drawing empty gestures
In that sea which has no end
Standing hidden in the rainbow
That is bowing over shore
Sent his looks to pierce the body
That is laying on the stone
Not the moon,nor the night
Seem to hide it anymore
Thought of death that is still cutting
In her hand , deep to the bone
Danut Ardelean
in english,
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ai vrea sa-i vezi in stoluri
Spre neguri ca se-ndreapta
Ca se topesc in umbre
Cu totii deodata
Cu aripi ca de vultur
Scurteaza-n zbor vazduhul
Si dintr-o suflare
Le cade prada gandul
Apoi se-nvarat in juru-i
Alti fluturi care vin
Si-incep incet sa soarba
Nectarul din venin
Licoarea-i tot mai dulce
Sorbind necontenit
Din timpul care uita
Ca vraja s-a oprit
Danut Ardelean
Ai vrea sa-i vezi in stoluri
Spre neguri ca se-ndreapta
Ca se topesc in umbre
Cu totii deodata
Cu aripi ca de vultur
Scurteaza-n zbor vazduhul
Si dintr-o suflare
Le cade prada gandul
Apoi se-nvarat in juru-i
Alti fluturi care vin
Si-incep incet sa soarba
Nectarul din venin
Licoarea-i tot mai dulce
Sorbind necontenit
Din timpul care uita
Ca vraja s-a oprit
Danut Ardelean
in romanian,
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
The gate
Slowly with your empty steps
There is no pain or sorrow
To reach among the clouds that gate
Surrounded by the shadow
You wished to have stopped on your path
The waves are your guidance
There are some voices calling you
Beyond the gate in silence
The clock is tired now
It seems to tick no more
For the ones who came among the last
Knocking on the same door
Danut Ardelean
Te-indrepti purtat de unde
Si-a ajungi la poarta dintre nori
Inconjurat de umbre
Si-ai vrea din drum sa te abati
Dar undele te poarta
Sunt voci ce parca te opresc
Si te doresc deodata
In urma-ti ceasul ostenit
Continua sa bata
Pentru cei care uitat
De ce sunt langa poarta
Danut Ardelean
in english,
in romanian,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
For the first time when you open wide
She looks into your eyes,
She smiles,she says: I love you,
Releasing slow her arms
Since you have forgotten
It had passed a while
She was seeking for the others
For you, She had a smile
You wish, you never met her
You want to throw with stones,
You want her chained forever
No matter where she goes.
Finding yourself in battle
Into your veins , no blood
It is just a thirst that's flowing
The thirst,to be a God
Yes! You are laughing now
You know, you have got the keys
She fell into forgotten
Lost in darken seas
The wine is sweeter now
It has never been the same
Gods are sharing cups
You drink ,you have no shame
When bells announce to you
It's late for all your friends
Alone you try to call her
To hold you from the shades
Tears in the silence
Tell ,It's meant to be
Now the groom is ready
For his bride,to see
Once again she smiles
In her arms ,she holds you
Kissing you the first time
Telling slow, I love you.
Danut Ardelean
She looks into your eyes,
She smiles,she says: I love you,
Releasing slow her arms
Since you have forgotten
It had passed a while
She was seeking for the others
For you, She had a smile
You wish, you never met her
You want to throw with stones,
You want her chained forever
No matter where she goes.
Finding yourself in battle
Into your veins , no blood
It is just a thirst that's flowing
The thirst,to be a God
Yes! You are laughing now
You know, you have got the keys
She fell into forgotten
Lost in darken seas
The wine is sweeter now
It has never been the same
Gods are sharing cups
You drink ,you have no shame
When bells announce to you
It's late for all your friends
Alone you try to call her
To hold you from the shades
Tears in the silence
Tell ,It's meant to be
Now the groom is ready
For his bride,to see
Once again she smiles
In her arms ,she holds you
Kissing you the first time
Telling slow, I love you.
Danut Ardelean
in english,
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
De cand deschisa-i ochii
Ea-i prima ce-ti zambeste
Te lasa jos din brate-i
Spunand ca te iubeste
Apoi mai trece o vreme
O uiti dar ea revine
In treacat pe la altii
Spunand ca-i dor de tine
Ai vrea sa arunci cu pietre
S-o mai sa nu mai vie
Ai vrea s-o pui in lanturi
S-o uiti pentru vecie
Si te trezesti in lupta
C-un aer sfidator
Astepti sa vina maine
Azi esti triumfator
Mai vine-un azi si-un maine
Si tot asa mereu
Prin vene-ti curge setea
De-a fi un Dumnezeu
Deh! iti razi in barba
Caci cheia e la tine
Ea te-a uitat demult
Te-ai dovedit pe sine
Si vinul e mai dulce
Acum ca niciodata
Bei in nesimtire
Cu zeii laolalta
Cand te trezesti esti singur
Prietenii-ti sunt umbre
O chemi, dar ea nu vine
E dusa oare? Unde?
Si o mai strigi odata
Si-i spui ca-i esti sortit
C-o vrei acum mireasa
Ca timpul a venit!
Iar ea te ia in brate-i
Cu ochii -i goi zambeste
Iti da sarutul dulce
Spunand ca te iubeste
Danut Ardelean
in romanian,
Friday, March 5, 2010
Love Story
Harbinger is sent again
To observe if there is something
In the World,outside his den
Words and voices begin to shiver
Melting slow behind his tongue
Vaguely ancient cryptic meanings
Daring all, too far beyond.
Time to time the heavy crystal
Gathers lightnings from the sky
To surround in light the circle
That has got inside The Eye
He is standing in the shadow
Staring deeply for a while
Having on his face a glamour
Of the perfect fading smile
Hair falls over his shoulder
Into yellow sandy wrap
Covering the hand that signals
From beneath the coloured cloak
In a rush the broken mirror
Gathering itself aside
Reveals a soften image
That is bathing in the light
Then a captive wish is calling
Disturbing the icy flesh
To implore again for freedom
And for time to live the place
Raising high his wooden crook
Fast he smiths a golden thorn
Which is meant to pierce the body
That had failed to reborn
Drops of blue release the venom
Poisoning the sacred stone
Calling in a silent whisper
Sleeping demon form his home
Whining loud from darken shadows
Scraping restless in the path
Bows his head to get his master
In a saddle on his back
Mountains , break themselves to pieces
To build up an icy bridge
That avoids the living forest
Which is raising from the mist
Speeding up into the hollow
Trouble not from any thought
They got lost within a second
Dropping dead the world behind
And they stop where Winds are forcing
All the roads to join the Rule
To drink water from the fountain
That's emerging from the dune.
The horse went to fill the calyx
For the master he beloved
Holly water from the fountain
To refresh their thirsty throat
After that he bows with care
Whining in a softly way
Becoming two drops of venin
When he gave his breath away
Tiny spots of blue are running
In the dust next master's feet
To enrol into a necklace
For the princes as a gift
In his gauntness hand is hanging
A white fragment of a shroud
To enfold the precious treasure
That is laying on the ground
The wonderer ,the path that lessens
Joined together in a quest
For a hiding place that's giving
Shelter and some time to rest.
Narrowing to southern border
Another way leads to a gate
Guarded by some burning torches
That lighten the place in red
Two Herumvii dressed in armour
Stare with their empty look
Pointing the spikes to rear
After they have searched the book
From beneath emerge the stairs
Coiling steps lead to the Floor
Which itself splits into the pieces
When he passes through the door
Then he sees a curvy shadow
Covered by a tiny veil
Breathless kissing the canopy
Rounded by the steel rail.
Looking deep the stunning beauty
He feels that he has to go
Next that bed where the lady
Charms his body heart and soul
From underneath the jaded robe
He pulls out a blade of prey
And encrusts a tiny symbol
On her face made out of clay
Touching hands embrace her body
That responds in whispered moans
In a way that only master
Could seduce the living ghost
Waterfalls of absent gestures
Searching for the game to close
Hide her neck behind a necklace
Crafted from the venin pearls
Lively eyes begin to wonder
How long has remained to wait
To melt deep into the other
Destined missing soul mate
Icy hands surround her sadly
And put eyes of green to sleep
Blazing fire in her body
Which becomes a wavy mist
It's his voice that angry thunders
Closing words in their meaning
Pushing hard her fragile presence
At the end of wall's beginning
Hands are mixing dust with water
To embrace a shape of clay
Which is heading in a gallop
Toward stony wall of grey
Drops of water from the bottle
Rush themselves against the wall
To breach wide in heavy stone
Clear as crystal, the last door.
Howling steps carry his body
Somewhere close to endless edge
Ignoring the World that's falling
Slowly down into the age
Just a harp so bored is roaring
In her strings a mawkish tune
Honouring the buried secrets
Deep beneath the lonely dune.
So he reaches to the crossroad
There in the mountain's gap
To decrypt an ancient message
Which is written on a slab
Sign of cross in blazing fire
It's a hard burden to bear
For the one which heartless trying
To follow the path up there
There in a loch is bathing
Queen of night her holly grace
So he wanted in that water
To regard his ugly face
The whole loch begin to shiver
Waters run hysterical
To enclose the crippled picture
Into a concentric circle
Evil eyes beneath are searching
For a key to close his fate
Which is written on column
At the entrance of the gate
Disturbing again the water
With his hungry sordid look
Took away the sharpest splinter
From his twisted wooden crook
He pierces with hate his finger
Crushing it into his hand
And released the blue of venin
That engulfs the golden sand
Whining loudly in the shadow
From his nostrils blazing fire
Cometh demon stopped his gallop
To obey again his sire
Precious stones and red saphires
Prank the saddle on his croup
A long ridge of golden hair
Ends into a darken loop
And they flew over the mountains
Seas of green they crossed them fast
In the end of their journey
They have reached the lonely path
There next the stony portal
When the master blown the horn
Drops of death joined together
The first breath of his reborn
A purple light breaks into pieces
There under the mountains ridge
To lighten the narrow passage
That is crossing over bridge
Giant hands lift into the air
And protect him from the frost
That is covering the hollow
And the arch he couldn't cross
They abandon the stiff body
To embrace the dark alone
Kissing dead the love that's breathing
Trough the wicked crystal ball
Danut Ardelean
in english,
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
The Traveller
He might be seen along the road
It's happening for years,
So odd ,it is the way he suddenly arrives,
The way......he disappears .
His empty eyes are looking deep
And time to time he smiles,
A shade of gesture, that is all he gives,
Whenever he may stop.
A lady saw him once, to pass
The road he took that day,
It,s just another lurking path
Beyond,the yesterday.
The same old road,avoids the cross
Narrowing, up there
For us, nobody came to tell
If it's leading anywhere.
Danut Ardelean
It's happening for years,
So odd ,it is the way he suddenly arrives,
The way......he disappears .
His empty eyes are looking deep
And time to time he smiles,
A shade of gesture, that is all he gives,
Whenever he may stop.
A lady saw him once, to pass
The road he took that day,
It,s just another lurking path
Beyond,the yesterday.
The same old road,avoids the cross
Narrowing, up there
For us, nobody came to tell
If it's leading anywhere.
Danut Ardelean
in english,
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Man In The Mirror
Shreddred pieces.In your bedroom.
You don't look.Anymore,
Instead of a smile ,into a mirror,
Stands out in silence, just the wall.
Shreddred pieces . In your bedroom.
Cutting stars....on the floor,
Foud their sky on the bottom
In a bin , next to the door.
Shreddred pieces. In your bedroom.
A clear image ?No more.
Refuses to fade into the background,
Killing the man in the mirror.
Danut Ardelean
You don't look.Anymore,
Instead of a smile ,into a mirror,
Stands out in silence, just the wall.
Shreddred pieces . In your bedroom.
Cutting stars....on the floor,
Foud their sky on the bottom
In a bin , next to the door.
Shreddred pieces. In your bedroom.
A clear image ?No more.
Refuses to fade into the background,
Killing the man in the mirror.
Danut Ardelean
in english,
I Would
I would have looked at you.
So many times I could not count,
I would have left myself seduced,
Knowing you arround.
I would have had into my arms,
So calm ,so beautiful to rest,
A blessing ,touching both my eyes,
The softness of your lovely breasts.
I would have slowly left to fall,
Your dress. Then to dream,
While I am loving your naked body
Layed among the jasmine.
Danut Ardelean
So many times I could not count,
I would have left myself seduced,
Knowing you arround.
I would have had into my arms,
So calm ,so beautiful to rest,
A blessing ,touching both my eyes,
The softness of your lovely breasts.
I would have slowly left to fall,
Your dress. Then to dream,
While I am loving your naked body
Layed among the jasmine.
Danut Ardelean
in english,
I wish
I wish.. I was a cloud that rides the wind
Somewhere,among the other clouds a little spot
To meet you there, in the dream,
Faster than I thought.
I wish you'd foud beside when you wake up
A note.I wasn't here,
A flower standing in a glass,
Waiting, silent, near.
I wish today was yesterday
Than again ,tomorrow
When I was there in your arms,
And never felt the sorrow.
Danut Ardelean
Somewhere,among the other clouds a little spot
To meet you there, in the dream,
Faster than I thought.
I wish you'd foud beside when you wake up
A note.I wasn't here,
A flower standing in a glass,
Waiting, silent, near.
I wish today was yesterday
Than again ,tomorrow
When I was there in your arms,
And never felt the sorrow.
Danut Ardelean
in english,
My Friend
I am asking for my friend
There are so many words,I have not said
I wish I could spell them so loud,
Before ....she left,before she left
The days are waving ,passing by
Today, one day,perheaps tommorow,
They'll bring me news about my friend,
Who's far and safe,away from sorrow.
I asked the shore, where is my friend?
We used to walk along together,
Before... we jumped into that sea of green
To meet beneath the sin, forever.
I chased the waves,I asked them too,
Where is my friend?do you have any clue?
One gives me nothing,the other takes
Another memory of you.
I asked myself, where is my friend?
I tried to look.As far I could see,
A fear lurcks inside ,my fiend
That you already found....another me.
Danut Ardelean
There are so many words,I have not said
I wish I could spell them so loud,
Before ....she left,before she left
The days are waving ,passing by
Today, one day,perheaps tommorow,
They'll bring me news about my friend,
Who's far and safe,away from sorrow.
I asked the shore, where is my friend?
We used to walk along together,
Before... we jumped into that sea of green
To meet beneath the sin, forever.
I chased the waves,I asked them too,
Where is my friend?do you have any clue?
One gives me nothing,the other takes
Another memory of you.
I asked myself, where is my friend?
I tried to look.As far I could see,
A fear lurcks inside ,my fiend
That you already found....another me.
Danut Ardelean
in english,
In Tacere
Exista ceruri dincolo de ceruri,
Si stele sunt, departe ,de-aste stele,
Si toate cufundate sunt,
De-antregul in tacere.
Si mai depare-i,doar un gand,
Ce-i dincolo de ele,
Cuvant, ce fara de cuvant,
Te cheama in tacere.
Si ratacind te indrepti spre port,
Precum o adiere,
Corabia de cand te stii,
Te-asteapta in tacere.
Raman doar lacrimi care curg,
Nu-i loc de mangaiere,
Apari asa si pleci la fel,
In urma-ti doar tacere.
Danut Ardelean
Si stele sunt, departe ,de-aste stele,
Si toate cufundate sunt,
De-antregul in tacere.
Si mai depare-i,doar un gand,
Ce-i dincolo de ele,
Cuvant, ce fara de cuvant,
Te cheama in tacere.
Si ratacind te indrepti spre port,
Precum o adiere,
Corabia de cand te stii,
Te-asteapta in tacere.
Raman doar lacrimi care curg,
Nu-i loc de mangaiere,
Apari asa si pleci la fel,
In urma-ti doar tacere.
Danut Ardelean
There is a sky ,with many stars,
And many stars ,like islands,
Are lurkin' lost, somewhere beyond,
In Silence.
Farther ,there is just a thought.
As farther I thought, up there.
Beeing called, I must to go
In silence, anywhere.
Howling like a ghost ,you go
You have been always ready,
The ship is waiting ,in the docks
In silence ,just to carry
Tears running down like rivers,
As rivers flow ,to carry on your ship,
in english,
in romanian,
Monday, February 8, 2010
Prima Iubire
Priveam in ochii tai pierdut,
Un vis ce se destrama,
Dar te iubeam ca la-nceput,
A nustiu cata oara.
Pe banca primului sarut,
Unde iubeam .odinioara
Doua priviri, un vis sunt, l-a inceput
A nustiu cata oara.
Danut Ardelean
Un vis ce se destrama,
Dar te iubeam ca la-nceput,
A nustiu cata oara.
Pe banca primului sarut,
Unde iubeam .odinioara
Doua priviri, un vis sunt, l-a inceput
A nustiu cata oara.
Danut Ardelean
in romanian,
In Noapte
O cununa de vorbe,
Impletita in soapte,
Ma cheama afara,
In noapte.
Pasii-mi se-ndreapta
Trupul sa-mi poarte,
Spre poarta deschisa
In noapte.
Ochii mi-s mucezi,
De-atatea nefapte,
lumina-s pe calea, ce duce
In noapte.
Danut Ardelean
Impletita in soapte,
Ma cheama afara,
In noapte.
Pasii-mi se-ndreapta
Trupul sa-mi poarte,
Spre poarta deschisa
In noapte.
Ochii mi-s mucezi,
De-atatea nefapte,
lumina-s pe calea, ce duce
In noapte.
Danut Ardelean
in romanian,
I see
I see so many souls in chains...
It seems they never stop,
To rush themselves along the slope,
In their search for light.
I see the shepard of the path,
So old so bored, but sorrow,
A tear is that all I 've got
For him to pay Tomorrow.
Perheaps it's just, the way it ment to be
To see before the end,
To find yourself, your Christ so dead,
As well is Mohamed.
It seems they never stop,
To rush themselves along the slope,
In their search for light.
I see the shepard of the path,
So old so bored, but sorrow,
A tear is that all I 've got
For him to pay Tomorrow.
Perheaps it's just, the way it ment to be
To see before the end,
To find yourself, your Christ so dead,
As well is Mohamed.
in english,
Every me Every you
Surrender to me
Don't be afraid
There's nothing left
There's nothing said
Don't look behind
In every you
There is a me
That tells what's true
Close your eyes
Release my fear
In every you
I cry my tear
Forget about
You ever knew
In every me
Is every you
Danut Ardelean
Don't be afraid
There's nothing left
There's nothing said
Don't look behind
In every you
There is a me
That tells what's true
Close your eyes
Release my fear
In every you
I cry my tear
Forget about
You ever knew
In every me
Is every you
Danut Ardelean
in english,
O lacrima se scurge pe obraz,
Franturi din curcubeu,se rup la capatai,
Te pleci spre publicul absent, cortina cade
Se-aud aplauze....aici se-ncheie actu intai.
Si toamna vine-n ruguri ruginii,
Covor de lungi suspine asterne-n actul doi,
Te pregatesti, mai faci o plecaciune,
N-auzi un sunet,si lacrima devine doar un dor.
Danut Ardelean
Franturi din curcubeu,se rup la capatai,
Te pleci spre publicul absent, cortina cade
Se-aud aplauze....aici se-ncheie actu intai.
Si toamna vine-n ruguri ruginii,
Covor de lungi suspine asterne-n actul doi,
Te pregatesti, mai faci o plecaciune,
N-auzi un sunet,si lacrima devine doar un dor.
Danut Ardelean
in romanian,
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Printre neguri si hatisuri'
Isi trimite solul iar
Ca sa vada tot ce misca
In taramul de clestar.
Vocea-i tremura in vorbe
Cu un aer ragusit
Intelesuri talcuite
Toate de nedeslusit
Si din cand in cand cristalul
Scapara in intuneric
Flugere ce impresoara
In lumina ochiul sferic
El se uita lung din umbre
Si pe chipu-i insipid
Se prelinge-n gol o urma
De-un suras desavarsit
Paru-i cade de pe umeri
Intr-o mantie salcie
Tainuind mana uscata
Care-i face semn sa vie
Si apoi oglinda sparta
Intr-un iures se aduna
Sa-i arate chipul suav
Ce se scalda-n clar de luna
O dorinta-ncatusata
Ravasindu-i trupul rece
Ii implora libertatea
Si o clipa c-a sa plece
Ridicand in slavi toiagul
Care-l tine-n mana stanga
Fauri un colt de aur
Trupu-i vested sa strapunga
Picuri de venin albastru
Cad pe piatra de altar
Ce trezesc din vis mamonul
Care prinde trup de cal
Nechezand in intuneric
Dornic c-a sa scurme drumul
Isi pleca in fata capul
Sa-l incalece stapanul
Muntele se rupe-n doua
Ca sa faca pod de gheata
Peste codrul care invie
Dintr-o mantie de ceata
Fara sa se uite-n urma
O porni intr-o vijele
Scuturandu-se de lumea
Ce i se parea pustie
Ajungand la o rascruce
Calul se opreste-n spume
Sa se-adape la fantana
Ce rasare dintre dune
Iar apoi pune-ntr-o cofa
Ca sa aiba pentru drum
Apa vie, apa moarta
Pentru singurul stapan
Si plcandu-si iara capul
Nechza aproape lin
Cu o ultima suflare
Se preface in venin
Picurile de-un albastru
Se aduna in margele
La picioare-i in tarana
Prinse toate intre ele
Mana lui cea uscativa
Le ridica intr-o salba
Care apoi o infasoara
Intr-o panzatura alba
Si pribeag porni pe drumul
Ce strapunge-n rachitisuri
C-a sa ajunga-n miez de noapte
La soroc in ascunzisuri
Iar de-acolo alta cale
Aratand spre miazazi
Se indreapta catre o poarta
Strajuita de faclii
Doi herumvi turnati in zale
Il privesc cu ochi de sticla
Dintr-o singura miscare
Lancile si le ridica
Din pamant rasare o treapta
Care implineste o scara
Deschizand apoi o usa
Care-n cioburi se separa
El zari atunci o umbra
Imbacata-n giulgi de crin
Ce intinsa fara vlaga
Se topea in baldachin
O privi indelung cu sete
Impietrit si fermecat
De a umbrei frumusete
Care-l cheama langa pat
De sub mantia de jad
Scoase o lama straverzie
Incrustand un semn pe fata-i
Care pare pamantie
Mainile-i preumbla trupul
Ce-i raspunde dulce-n soapte
Atingere de buze moi
Ce-l saruta-n miez de noapte
Si cu-n gest plapand ii prinde
Ascunzandu-i gatul fin
Intr-o salba de margele
Faurite din venin
Ochii-i se trzesc la viata
Prividul intrebator
Unde-i sufletul pereche
Care-i inca calator
Intristat cu mana-i rece
O cuprinde de mijloc
Se apropie de buze-i
Strecurand in gura-i foc
Tuna apoi c-o voce surda
Un cuvant nedeslusit
Pravalidu-i trupul fraged
Peste pietrele din zid
Cu o mana ia tarina
Iar cu alta apa vie
Si le arunca catre zidul
Ce-i din stanca cenusie
Iar apoi cu apa moarta
Il stropeste incaodata
Si in fata-i se deschide
Din cristal o alta poarta
Iara pasi de colo colo
Il prea poarta in nestire
Si tarimul din dorinta-i
Se topeste-n amintire
Frematand de dor o harpa
Cantec fad mai naste-n strune
O aducere aminte
De secretul dintre dune
Ajungand iar la rascruce
Vede inscris pe-o lespede
Un blestem in slova veche
Ce-l dezleaga repede
Semnul crucii ars in flacari
II e dat celui ce-l poarta
Sa se-avante fara suflet
Pe cararea blestemata
Intr-o balta mandra luna
El vazu ca trupu-si scalda
Si acolo vru deodata
Chipul pamantiu sa vada
Apele se rup in unde
Care fieb isterice
Chip de lut inchis in cercuri
Ce devin concentrice
Ochii serbezi cauta-n valuri
Soarta care nu-l mai paste
Ce-i inscrisa-n carti de stele
Inainte, de-a se naste
Tulburand cu mana apa
Cand vazu acel insemn
Rupse o aschie ascutita
Din toiagul lui de lemn
Si-o impunse adanc in deget
Picurand pe colbul fin
Doua ingemanari albastre
Cu mireasma de venin
Nechezand din neguri iara
Lepadand vapai de foc
Calul se opri inainte-i
Din navalnicul galop
Inseuat cu pietre scumpe
De zafir si diamante
Isi apleaca coama lunga
Sa-l incalece pe spate
Si zburand peste hotare
Peste munti si peste vai
Istovit de-alergatura
Se opri intre carari
Langa un portal de piatra
Loc ce-i pare cunoscut
Cand din picuri dulci de moarte
Intrupat a renascut
Printr-o fanta ascunsa-n munte
Sub o creasta cenusie
Isi croieste drum prin piatra
O lumina purpurie
Doua maini ridica-n aer
Si formeaza-n jurui scut
Sa-l fereasca de raceala
Podului de netrecut
Si apoi intr-o odaie
Lasa trupul tepenit
Care pentru prima oara
Isi dorea sa fi murit
Ramanand ascuns in coltul
Care-l scalda-n umbre iar
Fereca pe veci iubirea
Intr-o sfera de cristal
in romanian,
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
(Patri)autism ,Ace ,brice si carice
Intr-o seara m-a invitat un prieten la Masaua Stricata,la un paharel de pufoaica straineza, d-aia de-a lu' Ionuc Walker,om cumsecade prietenul asta al meu ca dara am fost si la el acasa,si i-am vazut si mobila si tot hucurel..Bineinteles ca nu am putut refuza asemenea invitatie,asa ca inainte sa ma gaindesc cu ce sa ma imbarac eram deja in pub.
Toate bune si frumoase,pace si virtue c-a sa avem ce bea si ne dea D-zeu sanatate la toti,pana cand amicu asta al meu m-a intrebat daca sunt patriot, Daca spuneam Da cum am vrut ,raspicat si din tot sufletul ,ma tem ca spargeam geamurile de la pub ,de atata entuziasm,dar n-am apucat sa mint,pardon sa spun ca m-a apucat un junghi la inima,de am crezut ca o sa dau ortul lui popala,inainte sa-mi vie sorocul,si mai ales ca nu am vrut sa-l pun intr-o situatie delicata pe amicul meu,care ar fi fost nevoit sa cheme tot felul de KGB-uri, SMURDURI,SI AMBULANCE-uri ca sa-mi salveze bicisnica viata,care in patria mama a fost mai mult da c++at.decat buna.
Am eschivat ca Doroftei ,raspunsul,si l-am intrbat pa amicul meu ,ce-i veni sa puna intrebari de-a p++a calului,ca nu cred ca e deja ca ma stie de mult,si stie ca nu am furat nimic in viata mea, nici macar un ac.
Intr-un final de lovele, am parasit amandoi asa cum se cuvine pub-ul, adica pe sapte carari,ne-am ridicat palariile...,de jos, si ne-m vazut de trbuinta.Si asa in drumul meu spre locatia in care lesiuesc,gadensti ca Gheurila nu mi-a dat pace si m-a inpins la reflctie rutiera,asa ca sa fac odata pacea de la Costesti cu propriul suflet, adica sa stiu si eu daca sufar sau nu de( Patri)autism ,ca nu vreu sa ma trezesc cumva beteag fara sa am leac,mai ales aici pe meleaguri straine.
Mi-am zis ca orice se poate vinde , cu o singura conditie , sa fie pretul corect, la fel si cu patria, daca nu o dai pa lovele , o dai pa un borcanel de curcubitacee murate,asa cum a facut Floricel mare tablagiu in Armia Romana, un pret de altfel destul de bun,mai ales cand nevasta e vreo mula, care nu stie, nici n-are nici timp si nici chef, sa ti-o puna de-o muratura,fiindca singura ei preocupare, si indeletnicire este beltul de ochi prin mall,si curatatul de bani de pe card.
E clar ca asta era sanatos tun si nu suferea de nici un( patri)autism,asa cum nu suferim nici noi, povestea tradarii de doi bani servita prostimii drept meniu de seara,de stirile de pe ,,Realitatea,,
Daca esti sau nu patriot ,tu n-ai nici o vina,dupa ce te-a prins flama asta violet,oricum esti un om mort din punct de vedre politic dimineata urmatoare si nu-ti mai poti exprima realele sentimente ,asa sustinea Hrebe (a nu se confunda cu Hrebenciucul,care este unitatea de masura a coruptiei, si care in functie de valoarea indicata pe sacra spagii, defineste succesul in Romania),cand a spus ca flcara violet iti poate ataca sanatatea, te spala pa ochi da functia de presedinte, ace ,birice , carice . Eu tare ma tem sa nu cumva sa ne induca o stare bolnaviciosa de( patri)autism.c-ai vai de mama noastra ,pardon de tara noastra.
Daca va intrbati ce traba are briciul si cariciul cu toate astea, pai are treba ca doara nu inseamna ,,etc,,. Bunicul odihneasca-se in pace, avea raspunsuri brici, pentru toate dilemele.
Cand eram baiet si eram ca Geoana, m-a pus odata dracul s-al intreb ce e ala un carici.Mosu a avut mereu o inclinatie pedagogica asa ca mi-a dat, nu un raspus, ci sase ,toate cu o bunavaointa rar intalnita,raspunsuri din astea mai dadea si lupilor cu doua sau patru picioare care au avut de trbuinta sa-l intrbe care-i mersul prin tarla lui, si ca sa fie sigur ca am priceput mi-a tras si o concluzie cu dosu mainii asa ca sa nu uit.De-ar fi trait saracul sint sigur ca ar fi avut cel putin patru raspunsuri si vreo doua concluzii,ca doara acu ,mi-e mai mare carca si pot duce raspunsuri mai grele, din astea filozofice.
Asa ca o concluzie pe care mi-o trag singur cred am si eu un carici de patriotism in mine, dar nu sufar de (patri)autism, si asta-i bine, ca de eram bolnav ,cine stie la cati le dadeam cate un strepsils ,dar dureri am si eu ca tot omul din cauza patriei dar nu la inima ci in ....
apropos Patria e acolo unde e bine.
Toate bune si frumoase,pace si virtue c-a sa avem ce bea si ne dea D-zeu sanatate la toti,pana cand amicu asta al meu m-a intrebat daca sunt patriot, Daca spuneam Da cum am vrut ,raspicat si din tot sufletul ,ma tem ca spargeam geamurile de la pub ,de atata entuziasm,dar n-am apucat sa mint,pardon sa spun ca m-a apucat un junghi la inima,de am crezut ca o sa dau ortul lui popala,inainte sa-mi vie sorocul,si mai ales ca nu am vrut sa-l pun intr-o situatie delicata pe amicul meu,care ar fi fost nevoit sa cheme tot felul de KGB-uri, SMURDURI,SI AMBULANCE-uri ca sa-mi salveze bicisnica viata,care in patria mama a fost mai mult da c++at.decat buna.
Am eschivat ca Doroftei ,raspunsul,si l-am intrbat pa amicul meu ,ce-i veni sa puna intrebari de-a p++a calului,ca nu cred ca e deja ca ma stie de mult,si stie ca nu am furat nimic in viata mea, nici macar un ac.
Intr-un final de lovele, am parasit amandoi asa cum se cuvine pub-ul, adica pe sapte carari,ne-am ridicat palariile...,de jos, si ne-m vazut de trbuinta.Si asa in drumul meu spre locatia in care lesiuesc,gadensti ca Gheurila nu mi-a dat pace si m-a inpins la reflctie rutiera,asa ca sa fac odata pacea de la Costesti cu propriul suflet, adica sa stiu si eu daca sufar sau nu de( Patri)autism ,ca nu vreu sa ma trezesc cumva beteag fara sa am leac,mai ales aici pe meleaguri straine.
Mi-am zis ca orice se poate vinde , cu o singura conditie , sa fie pretul corect, la fel si cu patria, daca nu o dai pa lovele , o dai pa un borcanel de curcubitacee murate,asa cum a facut Floricel mare tablagiu in Armia Romana, un pret de altfel destul de bun,mai ales cand nevasta e vreo mula, care nu stie, nici n-are nici timp si nici chef, sa ti-o puna de-o muratura,fiindca singura ei preocupare, si indeletnicire este beltul de ochi prin mall,si curatatul de bani de pe card.
E clar ca asta era sanatos tun si nu suferea de nici un( patri)autism,asa cum nu suferim nici noi, povestea tradarii de doi bani servita prostimii drept meniu de seara,de stirile de pe ,,Realitatea,,
Daca esti sau nu patriot ,tu n-ai nici o vina,dupa ce te-a prins flama asta violet,oricum esti un om mort din punct de vedre politic dimineata urmatoare si nu-ti mai poti exprima realele sentimente ,asa sustinea Hrebe (a nu se confunda cu Hrebenciucul,care este unitatea de masura a coruptiei, si care in functie de valoarea indicata pe sacra spagii, defineste succesul in Romania),cand a spus ca flcara violet iti poate ataca sanatatea, te spala pa ochi da functia de presedinte, ace ,birice , carice . Eu tare ma tem sa nu cumva sa ne induca o stare bolnaviciosa de( patri)autism.c-ai vai de mama noastra ,pardon de tara noastra.
Daca va intrbati ce traba are briciul si cariciul cu toate astea, pai are treba ca doara nu inseamna ,,etc,,. Bunicul odihneasca-se in pace, avea raspunsuri brici, pentru toate dilemele.
Cand eram baiet si eram ca Geoana, m-a pus odata dracul s-al intreb ce e ala un carici.Mosu a avut mereu o inclinatie pedagogica asa ca mi-a dat, nu un raspus, ci sase ,toate cu o bunavaointa rar intalnita,raspunsuri din astea mai dadea si lupilor cu doua sau patru picioare care au avut de trbuinta sa-l intrbe care-i mersul prin tarla lui, si ca sa fie sigur ca am priceput mi-a tras si o concluzie cu dosu mainii asa ca sa nu uit.De-ar fi trait saracul sint sigur ca ar fi avut cel putin patru raspunsuri si vreo doua concluzii,ca doara acu ,mi-e mai mare carca si pot duce raspunsuri mai grele, din astea filozofice.
Asa ca o concluzie pe care mi-o trag singur cred am si eu un carici de patriotism in mine, dar nu sufar de (patri)autism, si asta-i bine, ca de eram bolnav ,cine stie la cati le dadeam cate un strepsils ,dar dureri am si eu ca tot omul din cauza patriei dar nu la inima ci in ....
apropos Patria e acolo unde e bine.
in romanian,
Friday, January 29, 2010
Joy to Solstice
It's the time......when Moon embraces,
Clouds around and murky shades,
Voices,come,alive! in spirits,
Spreading fear,from the haze.
Dancing virgins kiss the fire,
That enlightens the mighty hill,
Raising hands ,into the prayers,
Crying loud, another Kill.
Slowly,then, the clouds, are braking
Their chain, that guards the moon,
And reveal the fading rainbow,
Who becomes the Ladies ' groom .
Blazing flames,release the music
Free to play from broken strings,
That brings Joy to Solstice's wedding,
Kissing dead the living beings.
Danut Ardelean
Vine-un timp cand mandra luna,
Nori si umbre in jur imbraca,
Vocile in morti invie,
Frica daruind din ceata,
Fecioarele saruta focul,
Care invaluie-n lumina,
Dealul care-n rugi astepta
Moartea iara ca sa vie.
Si incet lantul de nori
Incepand sa se resfire,
Lasa palul curcubeu
Sa devina-n noapte mire
Flacarile ard un cantec
Dar de nunta-n struna rupta,
Si aduce bucurie,
Mortii,care ne saruta.
Danut Ardelean
in english,
in romanian,
Monday, January 25, 2010
Pula, pula, pula... Vem pra nossa turma
Hoje é dia de brincar
Pular, dançar e cantar
Vai ter festa no parquinho
Com pipoca e guaraná
Pode aparecer
A festa já vai começar
Vem brincar de pula-pula
Com a nossa turma
Pula, pula, pula... Vem pra nossa turma.
Pula, pula, pula... Com Jesus é mais legal
Pula, pula, pula... Vem brincar de pula
Pula, pula, pula... Vem pra nossa turma
Na, na, na, na, na... He, hei
De cabeça para baixo na montanha-russa
Dá um frio na barriga
Curto a cada instante
Gira-gira sem parar
Com Deus eu sou gigante
Vem brïncar de pula-pula
Com a nossa turma.
Übersetzung von Portugiesisch in Rumänisch
Astăzi este o zi de joc
Salt, dans şi cântă
Va avea parte de pe teren de joaca
Cu floricele şi guarana
Pot să apară
Partid este pe cale de a începe
Hai la joc Pogo
Cu clasei noastre
Pula, Pula, pula ... Vino la clasei noastre.
Pula, Pula, pula ... Cu Isus este cea mai tare
Pula, Pula, pula ... Vino să te joci sări
Pula, Pula, pula ... Vino la clasei noastre
Na, na, na, na, na ... El, hei
Cu susul în jos Roller Coaster
Acesta oferă o fluturi
Scurt fiecare moment
Roundabout fără să se oprească
Cu Dumnezeu Sunt gigant
Hai la joc Pogo Stick
Cu clasei noastre
photo articol
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Il vezi asa din cand in cand
Pasind pe drum agale
Rasare parca din pamant
Si tot asa dispare,
Cu ochii goi se uita lung,
Din cand in cand zambeste,
Facand acelasi gest plapand
Atunci cand se opreste
Bunicii mei-l vedeau trecand
Pe-un drum de altadata
Pe umerii-i brazdati de vant
Purtand a lui desaga
Acelasi drum ce serpuind
Se-ngusta la rascruce,
De unde nimeni n-a venit
Sa spuna unde duce.
Danut Ardelean
Pasind pe drum agale
Rasare parca din pamant
Si tot asa dispare,
Cu ochii goi se uita lung,
Din cand in cand zambeste,
Facand acelasi gest plapand
Atunci cand se opreste
Bunicii mei-l vedeau trecand
Pe-un drum de altadata
Pe umerii-i brazdati de vant
Purtand a lui desaga
Acelasi drum ce serpuind
Se-ngusta la rascruce,
De unde nimeni n-a venit
Sa spuna unde duce.
Danut Ardelean
in romanian,
Localitati cu nume ciudat in Romania.
Judetul Vâlcea: Maciuca, Cacacioasa, Milcoiu, Muereasca, Lungesti, Madulari.
Judetul Buzau: Udati-Mânzu, Stâlpu, Boldu, Colti.
Judetul Alba: Cocosesti, Cioara de Sus, Craciunelu de Jos.
Judetul Ilfov: Buda, Afumati, Flamânzeni.
Judetul Giurgiu: Bulbucata, Gogosari, Toporu.
Judetul Neamt: Prajesti, Calu.
Judetul Prahova: Urlati, Baicoi.
Judetul Suceava: Cumparatura, Pârtestii de Sus si de Jos
mai cateva...
Labasint (Arad)
Mirosi (Arges)
Spermezeu (Bistrita-Nasaud)
Capatâna Porcului (Brasov)
Însuratei (Braila)
Belis (Cluj)
Tetcoiu (Dâmbovita)
Cotofenii din Dos (Dolj)
Ciuperceni (Gorj)
Fierbinti (Ialomita)
Sculeni (Iasi)
Mierlestii de Sus (Olt)
Iapa (Maramures)
Jena (Timis)
Vârtescoiu (Vrancea)
dar si in alte tari...
20. Beer Bottle Crossing (Idaho, SUA)
19. Poopoo (Hawaii, SUA)
18. Sexi (Peru)
17. Acme (West Virginia, SUA)
16. Burning Well (Pennsylvania, SUA)
15. Assawoman (Virginia, SUA)
14. Dead Chinaman (Papua New Guinea)
13. Dwarf (Kentucky, SUA)
12. Big Bone Lick (SUA)
11. Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch (Wales)
10. Truth Or Consequences (New Mexico, SUA)
9. Climax (Michigan, SUA)
8. Fart (Virginia, SUA)
7. Blowhard (Australia)
6. Why (Arizona, SUA)
5. Dildo (Newfoundland, Canada)
4. Intercourse (Pennsylvania, SUA)
3. Boring (Oregon, SUA)
2. French Lick (Indiana, SUA)
1. Fucking (Austria)
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